Monday 7 December 2020

World Review Current Events


Hey Everyone! this week was the last ever-current events quiz for this year. If you're unsure of what the 2020 current vents quiz is it is a great school format of world current questions on the latest inquiry-based topics we have three options of an answer for the quiz for example A, B, C we pick one answer we think would be the correct statement and we telly up all of our variety of answers and mark our best. This week was a world review from every week we have had the previous question throughout the year and some very similar to all our other quizzes and answered w then picked one and explored everything we could about our topic. This week this one popped my eye as it was about heavy world pollution and will take decades to fix. One thing I had found difficult about this weekes topic was trying to understand some of the words in meaning the world oil spills and the all the variety of relateing to the problem with challenging words and trying to gather as much information as I possibly could overall it was an interesting topic to explore and have a read more about it !.

Thursday 3 December 2020

Art colouring for the summer learning Challenge


Hey Everyone! Today we have been looking at the summer learning journey challenge and we have decided as a team class we will be making and transforming an art colouring challenge together as this is the first challenge this year for the summer learning journey. We made these Clolourings on a website called the art colouring book you can find on google. I have a really enjoyable time doing the first summer learning journey challenge this year as well as experimenting with different colours. I also Found finding different but natural official ocean colours for my picture but I am really happy with the outlook.

Tutorial link on how to make this format of art

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Addition with different Denominators Maths DLO


Heye everyone ! this week we have been looking at fractions and each person in the class / each individual was given an action plan with two types of new mathematical tasks you want to learn throughout the week. I chose as one of mine to be Addition with different denominators as this was where I found a gap in my maths and decided I want to learn new learning skills throughout this week with a different new maths task. 

I found the experience of learning addition with different denominators hard while trying to figure out at the start what add and what to times but by the time I proceeded everything it all came to mind. Check out my video that gives you a clear demonstration video on how to do adding with different denominators. 

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Week 7 Current Events


Hey everyone! today we were focusing on our worldwide current events. I was really emerged and checked the guy named Wesley from Thailand was an American tourist who wrote such a terrible review for such a nice-looking restaurant and hotel. I have multiple slide shows to have a look at and on one of them there is the real travel adviser review as the hotel took it down and changed the review so it was now not visible. He has now faced charges with at least two years of jail time and has presented himself at the tailand jail for 2 nights' sleep so far into the process. He attended the restaurant in June this year / 2020 With a stated review of a terrible place and none of the staff are friendly. 

I have a question for you? if you reed this travel advisor review would you stay at this hotel or would you eat this restaurant?

have a look at the awesome slideshow!

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Selflessness In sportsmanship

Selflessness is a major word in the sports world and especially how you show it towards everyone! 
I choose this word out of many different words and for a variety of reasons first up it is a very meaningful word and can be used to show values to everyone. This word selflessness means helping everyone if they are down or sad. And if you are the one helping everyone people will look back feel guilty that they didn't help all it takes is you ! to change everything during a sports game or even just in the community. 


Sportsmanship for dummies Guide For You !


Hey everyone! This week and during the last previous weeks we have been focusing on sportsmanship. I have made sportsmanship for dummies guide for you to follow as every moment in life I'm sure we have all looked back and thought about how we could have been the one that always helped the person that was down felt sad about themselves or was hurt. I know many times I have felt guilty for this and known I could have helped? I have a question for you when was a time you showed sportsmanship. I made a guiding hand made on paper for display in the classroom so everyone can have a look at it and help each other.

One thing I found difficult was trying to found colours that contrast together nicely on my poster while trying to present a quilty work poster.  As the colours I used were contrasting between light tones and sports colours.
Showing sportsmanship can change to people think of you in a perspective as you could be doing something so great on the sports field or court or even just showing respect towards everyone out there or even in your community and people feel good about you and you feel good about yourself. 

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Great barrier reef will shock your mind !

Hey Everyone! This week we have been focusing on our current events and I decided to focus on the topic of the Great barrier reef. As through the year, I previously was looking at this ecosystem and found out so much more interesting information than I thought so I thought this topic would be a perfect choice. I found out that 50% of the great barrier reef has died over the years as it had a rapidly fast break then a slow 20 percent break in one year which still is an extreme change for the great barrier reef.  

One thing I felt difficult was trying to figure out the fractions of precentages on how much it took away from the great barrier reef. But I had an enjoyable time finding out more about the great barrier reef Read more to find out! 


Thursday 29 October 2020

3 Major Olympic Values


Hey Everyone! This week we are looking at sportsmanship and how we can show sportsmanship everywhere in our life. We have been looking at how we can show sportsmanship in all aspects of our lives. So I hoped on to the official Olympic website and gathered information about their 3 major Olympic values. I have been inspired by these three Olympic values to show compassion to everyone and not put myself first maybe help everyone around me that is struggling or if I'm coming first and my teammates are struggling to breathe or are unwell I could help them and that is what I have picked up and been inspired by. 

One thing that I could do better / what I found difficult was that I realized I don't show sportsmanship enough and I need to put everyone else in perspective just instead of me being selfish about me coming first or being the best. It is good to be the best you can be but on top of that being the best you can be is being others to be the best you can be.

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Current Event's Around New Zealand and Australia Bubble outburst


Hey Everyone! this week and as you may previously know each week we are going to be focusing on a current worldwide event topic. I have currently picked one that was very knowledgeable about our crazy pandemic and that was about how some new Zealander travels were set into NSW Australia without quarantine and 65! into Victoria Australia where the worst Australia outbreak was located. This was all happening without The prime minister of both countries knowing and having a clue as the Australian government and premier stated they were not absolutely happy with any of these happening. 
One thing I enjoyed and engaged about making this post and finding out about it was how they entered areas and went into different bubbles and finding out about how many numbers of people there were. 

One thing that I found difficult and I could work on is On how I was getting confused about where they were going as 5 went overseas to South Africa, 65 went off to Victoria Australia and 23 - 24 were located in the northern territory, NSW. I also was getting confused about where they went and trying to gather information from different websites and articles was also difficult as they all stated little bits more different 

Thursday 15 October 2020

" How to Guide " On showing sportsmanship


Hey Everyone! This week for literacy we have been looking at what makes great sportsmanship. I have created a fun document here on how to be a good sportsman and how it can change up the effect and cause that is put into your game. I found out by reading some articles that most good sports players don't get their name out there by how good they are but how kind and good they are to people out of the field, court, competition, pools, and much more. I have one last finishing question for you? what is the most memorable moment that has ever happened to you while playing a sport, who has ever shown, or have you seen show sportsmanship?

Maths DLO


Maths DLO

Hey Everyone! In this video Today, I will be teaching you how to use a travel timetable. This is more of a focus on time and distance which is most important while using travel tables. I have been working on my time tables for around a week maximum now and have really made progress by going deeper and searching for tests that will give me what I need. I Learnt a lot doing this time table test as I learnt to make times like 12:17 - 2:30 just to round of 12:17 and make it 12:20 then add the extra numbers after. As if you watch the tutorial I have simply demonstrated how to do them. 

Now I wouldn't say I found one thing frustrating and difficult I found a lot of things difficult learning and experimenting with a new maths topic. I first found out that making bigger numbers with time really helps and then just adding the extra numbers you took away just add them back on which if you watched the tutorial you would get more of an understanding of this strategy. It was also challenging to fin maths tests that gave me the right strategy and give me more knowledge on time tables but I definitely found out how to use them by using this test. 

I hope I have taught you something about how to use time tables and Now I know I can use this when I travel next.  

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Lake Ohau Fire New Zealand Current Event


Hey Everyone! This week we are looking at the current events around our world and had to do a quiz On a variety of different questions and then had to pick one type of question that was eye a peeling and grabbed our attention. I choose the lake Ohau fires as I have been previously through the weekend seen it pop up on the news and wanted to know more about it. I found out that over 48 - 50 properties were damaged and destroyed by the fire as well as how many sheep were injured in the fire was Crazy!

I found many things difficult while researching this topic as It was more of a difficulty to find out how many properties were damaged how many people evacuated because the news was giving me 50 properties but then every other news hub website would give me 48 properties as I found out the estimate was 48 - 50. I also found out that 200 people had to evacuate but it was very diffacult to find out the number of people and animals that were gone or critically injured.

One thing I would like to know from You ! is? How many hectares did you think the giant fire took out before you researched this? 

I really enjoyed Finding out everything about the fires but mostly about the number of hectares, it took out  And how it happened. 

Wednesday 23 September 2020

NZEA Changes for School Credits


Hey Everyone! today we have done an end of week quiz and one of our tasks that relates to the quiz was researching one of the questions we were interested in. I chose Changes to NCEA that will be implemented for Auckland secondary students Due to the disruption of COVID - 19. What I found difficult while doing this was finding the real information about the credits as some websites said different things to others ao I had to gather up the most common answer and do more research on that. I really enjoyed making this research project as I find out so much more about NCEA levels and how much you actually need!

Friday 18 September 2020

TE REO poster


Ist coming to the end of the week and I have learnt so much of TE REO Maori and I am very happy with the outcome of learning and experimenting with a different language have a look at my blog to find out what i have done 

Thursday 17 September 2020

Te Reo Maori Kahoot


Kia Ora everyone ! This week I have made a Maori Kahoot  For My friends and me to play. This was a lot of fun to make because I got to learn all types of different Maori Words and got to experience a different language for a week.
Kahoot! Play & Create Quizzes - Apps on Google Play

Wednesday 16 September 2020

My Te Reo Maori word find

 Kia Ora Everyone! Today for Maori language week I have decided to make a Te Reo Maori Word find for you! yes, you to use. So get out your pen and paper and try and find these awesome words. If you are wondering what theme I have picked for my word find I decided to use animals in Te Reo it comes from sneaky little animals to massive farm animals and some marine animals I hope you have fun! 

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Maya's Maori language book

Kai Ora everyone ! This is Maori language week and today I have decided To make a Te Reo Book for everyone to read and learn more about the Maori culture. I have decided to have a theme for my book and my theme was! SPORTS! I really hope you enjoy and learn something about my book.

Friday 7 August 2020

The Aquatic Bio mes

Hey Everyone! lately, we have been looking at our world ecosystems and We linked up into pairs or groups of three and we chose a topic to work on and gather as much knowledge as we know about that topic here is mine and Alisha's this slide show can give you all the information you need and inform you with what aquatic biomes and you can learn so much more. 

Thursday 25 June 2020

Comparing and Contrasting Two Passages

Hey everyone ! This week's Weekly task was to create and share a Comparing and Contrasting Two Passages on knowledge about the great barrier reef. I have learnt so much about the great barrier reef and you wouldn't believe that the great barrier reef is 2,3000 kilometres long, How crazy is that. I also have talked about the size of the animals. I never knew how many species live in the great barrier reef, there are exactly over 1,500 types of species living there!. 

I had a great time studying and gathering more knowledge about the great barrier reef how it works and what lives there. I also loved feeding knowledge and sharing it to everyone which was very well to do. I really hope you enjoy looking at my links and reading My facts thank you so much.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Barrier reef words and my description

Hey everyone ! on of this week's activities was to: Learn, create, share and protect on words we needed to be described on the page topic of the great barrier reef novel. The 2 novels/article I read was;!The great barrier reef check it out while you can! And the second novel was named; The great barrier reef. I have learned and gathered so many new words and learned so many more facts while being described on what they mean wich was great. 

I really hope you can and have picked up and jumped on to some of the words in this descriptive word example task and I sure know I did. I really hope you enjoyed looking and reading my task and I have had an amazing time studying the great barrier reef. thanks, everyone! 

Friday 22 May 2020

Hello and goodbye

Hey everyone! Today We had to make a recap and a reality image of what has changed from being at home relaxing and from being at school causing a mad rush. This was called a Hello and Goodbye Poem / Writing piece. This was super extravagant to make and While I was doing it I realized how much I had done during the 7 weeks at home. Being at home was great and all but I had and still do miss my friends and I am so grateful that we can come back to school now even though it has become a mad rush in my house. I hope you enjoy ready my poem as I had put a good amount of effort into it and It has some really great character so check it out! Thanks, everyone!  and also make sure to stay safe and wash your hands,

- Maya

Thursday 21 May 2020

After photo of my bacteria bread

Hey  everyone ! As you may have been waiting awhile for the after photo and project of my bacteria bread here it is . It smells and it’s all yucky so remember to clean very well .

Wednesday 20 May 2020

My Water cycle

Hey everyone ! this weeks work being back at school was about creating A water cycle blog post, I have just recently been working on my one and have learnt so much about the water cycle and what it means ?. How weather there were some very big words that did need research on but it was super fun, Thanks for listening and watching - Maya,

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Monday 18 May 2020

Facts and knolage about rain and the whole cycle

Hey everyone, Today we are going to be listing Our knowledge on rain and its cycle.

Now before we get started let's take a recap of what rain actually is? 

Now that's a big question. But we should all know that rain falls from the dark scary
clouds in the sky or from a beautiful sun shower from the nice white fluffy clouds.

But rains, not the only course that falls from the sky thongs such as hail, snow and sleet can as well.

I am sure we now have a big understanding of what rain so let's take a look
into the deep knowledge around the system of rain.

Rain can also occur to other planets of our solar system, not just earth itself.
But the rain on the other planets experiences different rain to us on earth.
For example, the rain on venus would be made of a word called sulfuric which means:
it contains sulphur acid or wood fires. 

The highest amount of rainfall that has ever been recorded in 1 - 2 days was
182.5 centimetres 71.9 inches in other words. This occurred during tropical cyclone Denise on
January 8, 1966. How crazy !?

And the highest ever rainfall in one year was 1000 inches, how massive is that.
Heavy rain can also course floods and some heavy rain that attracts

the sea and can also sometimes cause tsunamis.
Also going back to types of acid. Acid rain does have a
particular name and that is ( acid rain ) now caused by the release of sulphur
dioxide and nitrogen oxides that attracts the air. Into the land and earth.

The power of this acid can hurt and affect plants and animals.

Overall I think the whole rain cycle is amazing and very eye
pulling and I learnt today that acid rain can affect many different things.

The end, By Maya, Thanks 

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Friday 8 May 2020

Maths DLO

Hey everyone this is my maths DLO on what is rotational , reflection and translation remember these key facts : Rotational pivotes
Reflection : reflects to different sides like a mirror
Translation -6

Thursday 7 May 2020

Daily connection question

Daily puzzle

Hey everyone! Today daily puzzle was such fun because I love the whole side of France / Paris and French-speaking.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

The track

Hey everyone ! This is my cross country Course at home I hope you enjoy watching it. As I went right down to the school and back from my house. This was a little bit challenging but next time I could set a km goal to myself to make it a extravagant challenge. It Was SAVAGE !

Bacteria Experiment

Hey  everyone ! It’s Maya here.  I have been experimenting with bacteria eww I know. This was a task for school that we could do so I took it up and this is the before photo so stay tuned for the after in a couple of weeks!


Hy everyone ! this is my daily puzzle today every answer had to start with the letter " F" this was quite a tricky one and I had to do some research and dig deep for some of them but You should differently give it/them ago

Friday 1 May 2020

Thursday 30 April 2020

Matariki and reflection on the past 12 months

Hey, everyone, My name is Maya Mcintyre, And I'm here today to talk about the stars and background of Matariki. Also, We have been passed on to do a reflection on these past 12 months and what's been happening or what's happened with our Family.

Now before we start I would just like to get a recap and talk more about the topic Matariki. Now Matariki, as we all know, is a cluster of stars that rise upon the month's May and even late June. As different cultures can call Matariki and different names. The Maori call Matariki “ Matariki “ as other cultures call them/the seven stars. As the seven stars are Matariki. The English call them the Pleiades. For the Maori, Matariki is a huge celebration to them as they celebrated as the new year's cycle of death. Most people as you will well know to celebrate New Year on the 1st January as it is a brand new year date. 

The celebration of Matariki was a big celebration that everyone celebrated back in the past decades but it un supposedly stopped in the 1940s. But ever since around the 2000s, Matariki has unexpectedly become popular again. Which I am very happy about because it is a very exciting topic to learn about. 

A really cool activity to do is actually look up at the stars and see if you can find or spot the seven stars but make sure to have a good look at the twinkles in the sky.

Now there is a big background and characters on Matariki. One legend I found was about the clusters of stars and the seven sisters during the visit each star helps Papatūānuku to prepare for the year to come. And getting gifts to her and her family they had to make their food each day and survive. As you may know, these seven sisters are called Maia, Alcyone, Asterope, Celaeno, Taygete, Electra, Merope I found some of this part of the story really interesting.

As you may know, Matariki is 400 - light-years away. The light travel distance can take 365.25 days which is a super-duper long way of traveling and the paste is at least 299, 792 km per second! WHAT ! that is super fast.

Now My family over these past 12 months a lot of amazing things as happened first off - the houses: Now My mum sister and my sister's dad lived in a 2 bedroom house about 2 minutes away from my Dads house it had been dun up but we were ready to put it on the market and it finally!SOLD! After waiting 2 months then we moved into a rental I town. I had a couple of school friends there. It was really awesome. But suddenly a private option came up and we brought a family friend's house with a pool and a spa right in town. How lucky are we?

Gymnastics: in these past 12 months I have done around 10 competitions - 12 for gymnastics around the whole of the south island each one has been a blast and I have succeeded as I got put graded up higher levels every 6 months at least I am very proud of myself for this matter.

The new baby - in December last year My mum announced she was pregnant at the time I was happy and sad but I worked through it and I am very excited now but still a little shocked. At the same time we also found out it was a boy And I did not like the gender reveal. I did happily want another sister but now I can teach her many other special savage talents.

SCHOOL CAPTAIN!!!!!!! - Now as my palms were sweating the whole prize giving as I sat on my chair waiting to find out who the captain of the new event was I was so scared but when they called my name out I was fizzing and I was so proud and happy it was a great feeling and outcome.

Family Holidays - Like me and my family have been on so many family holidays last year we were lucky enough to go to Australia twice the first time was with my mum and my sister we stayed with my mom's best friend and her daughter in Brisbane and had a blast. The second time was with my dad and cousins. We had an amazing time and got to catch up with my nana. We had the most amazing time. 

WELLINGTON CAMP - Yay wellington camp we woke up at 5:00am got to school packed dad's truck with my best friends and had the best time of our lives at wellington camp it was just the best time everrrrrr !!!!!!!!

12th birthday - as I had my birthday in lockdown it was a very different birthday but we pulled through and it was a very extravagant time.

COVID - 19 - this is going to make modern history the impact it has put on the world is amazing and I can't wait for the thing to go back to normal but this is dying downs the carriage and impact it took to move levels own we have down an amazing job NZ

Wednesday 29 April 2020


Stay tuned Paroa !!

Phtography Competition

Hey Everyone! these past sunny days I have experimented with the photography competition and this is my turn out of them I hope you like them. !!

Topic: sunny splash

Daily connection question

Maths update

Friday 24 April 2020

Thursday 23 April 2020

3 wishes

Hey everyone ! today we had an awesome task were we had to pull out 2 main characters from the current book we were reading and give them both 3 wishes that interact with the book they are in I choose one of my favourite current books, " The Misadventures of Max Crumbly "  I hope you enjoy mine :)

Daily connection question

House Plan

Hey everyone !  this is my final house plan I will be doing another house during the weekend because I have 2 houses But I really enjoyed having to measure the house it was really fun and challenging to add all the measurements at the end but I hope you enjoy my piece of work next time I could add my downstairs rooms and areas to add improvement and to give myself more a challenge.

Daily Connection question

Hey, everyone, !  this is my daily connection questin as again it was very hard but I pushed through it and I think I got the spot on Answer  Everyone should have a go at this!

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Reading a book for the juniors

Hey everyone! This is the book I read for the junior school at Paroa, I hope everyone junior has a laugh and a giggle while I read this book. I won't tell you what the books called it will be a huge surprise. I'll give you a hint.. some of you got to meet the author at our amazing school. I hope you enjoy listening bye for now. Heres the link

Daily Puzzle

 Hey everyone ! sorry if you can't see the image in this post but we have to try and interpret the images and words I am not very strong with these sorts of things But I gave it a shot and I hope you can have ago as you can tell I am just guessing what these are probably not spot on but that's ok.


Hey everyone! At home in self-isolation lately I have been taking up my skills at cooking and baking it was previously my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! And I decided to make my own birthday cake. It was banana flavored and I used the Edmons baking recipe. the treasure was very fluffy and crisp on the outside and very nice and tasty to eat I hope you enjoy it.

Daily connection question

 Hey everyone ! this is my daily connection question for the day I hope you like it and my bucket list is a little bit more limited because I am just 12.

Monday 20 April 2020

ANZAC / why are there poppies around ANZAC day

Heye everyone this is my ANZAC day work have a look at the caption on My Presentation and see what it's about thanks to stay safe.

Maths about Australia times and flights

Hey, everyone, this is the first time I have shared my Maths for the day because lately, we have been doing online test which I unable to share with you but today we mixed the bowl up and decided to do some flights, time and distance on Maths. Here is the information I gathered and The 5 countries I choose. I researched all these different websites just so I could get the rights times and information I hope you enjoy.

Mondays Daily Connection Question

He everyone here's the daily connection question I hope you enjoy.

Mondays Quirky quiz

Hey Everyone! Welcome back to the new start of the week I hope everyone is safe, today's quirky quiz was very tricky at some point of questions I gave it a try and didn't gather any information about some of the questions but I hope you enjoy.

Friday 17 April 2020

Heres My daily Puzzle

hey everyone ! this is my daily puzzle for the day and it was very challenging because everything had to start with the letter A !