Monday 7 December 2020

World Review Current Events


Hey Everyone! this week was the last ever-current events quiz for this year. If you're unsure of what the 2020 current vents quiz is it is a great school format of world current questions on the latest inquiry-based topics we have three options of an answer for the quiz for example A, B, C we pick one answer we think would be the correct statement and we telly up all of our variety of answers and mark our best. This week was a world review from every week we have had the previous question throughout the year and some very similar to all our other quizzes and answered w then picked one and explored everything we could about our topic. This week this one popped my eye as it was about heavy world pollution and will take decades to fix. One thing I had found difficult about this weekes topic was trying to understand some of the words in meaning the world oil spills and the all the variety of relateing to the problem with challenging words and trying to gather as much information as I possibly could overall it was an interesting topic to explore and have a read more about it !.

Thursday 3 December 2020

Art colouring for the summer learning Challenge


Hey Everyone! Today we have been looking at the summer learning journey challenge and we have decided as a team class we will be making and transforming an art colouring challenge together as this is the first challenge this year for the summer learning journey. We made these Clolourings on a website called the art colouring book you can find on google. I have a really enjoyable time doing the first summer learning journey challenge this year as well as experimenting with different colours. I also Found finding different but natural official ocean colours for my picture but I am really happy with the outlook.

Tutorial link on how to make this format of art