Thursday 25 June 2020

Comparing and Contrasting Two Passages

Hey everyone ! This week's Weekly task was to create and share a Comparing and Contrasting Two Passages on knowledge about the great barrier reef. I have learnt so much about the great barrier reef and you wouldn't believe that the great barrier reef is 2,3000 kilometres long, How crazy is that. I also have talked about the size of the animals. I never knew how many species live in the great barrier reef, there are exactly over 1,500 types of species living there!. 

I had a great time studying and gathering more knowledge about the great barrier reef how it works and what lives there. I also loved feeding knowledge and sharing it to everyone which was very well to do. I really hope you enjoy looking at my links and reading My facts thank you so much.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Barrier reef words and my description

Hey everyone ! on of this week's activities was to: Learn, create, share and protect on words we needed to be described on the page topic of the great barrier reef novel. The 2 novels/article I read was;!The great barrier reef check it out while you can! And the second novel was named; The great barrier reef. I have learned and gathered so many new words and learned so many more facts while being described on what they mean wich was great. 

I really hope you can and have picked up and jumped on to some of the words in this descriptive word example task and I sure know I did. I really hope you enjoyed looking and reading my task and I have had an amazing time studying the great barrier reef. thanks, everyone!