Monday 20 April 2020

ANZAC / why are there poppies around ANZAC day

Heye everyone this is my ANZAC day work have a look at the caption on My Presentation and see what it's about thanks to stay safe.


  1. Hi Maya

    Good work on your Anzac Day research. Anzac Day is a very special day and this year the way in which New Zealanders commemorate will be quite different by doing this in our driveways etc instead of going to a dawn service.

  2. Hi Maya,
    Well done. You have clearly put a great deal of effort into this. Some parts were a bit tricky to read (for me), however I understand your need to get off the technology when you can. Do you think you will get up at 6am to stand in your driveway to honour the ANZAC's this year?
    Mrs Gibson

  3. Hi Maya, Wow what a lot of time and effort you put into your project. It looks amazing. I liked how you've done it over several pieces instead of squashing into one or two. Although some of it was hard to read I like the way you've done it differently. It looks bright and neatly done. What did you learn about ANZAC day? Sharron

    1. hey sharron thanks for giving me a great question I have learnt alot about ANZAC day and poppies but I never knew it was a growing plat at war so it supprised me.



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