Tuesday 13 October 2020

Lake Ohau Fire New Zealand Current Event


Hey Everyone! This week we are looking at the current events around our world and had to do a quiz On a variety of different questions and then had to pick one type of question that was eye a peeling and grabbed our attention. I choose the lake Ohau fires as I have been previously through the weekend seen it pop up on the news and wanted to know more about it. I found out that over 48 - 50 properties were damaged and destroyed by the fire as well as how many sheep were injured in the fire was Crazy!

I found many things difficult while researching this topic as It was more of a difficulty to find out how many properties were damaged how many people evacuated because the news was giving me 50 properties but then every other news hub website would give me 48 properties as I found out the estimate was 48 - 50. I also found out that 200 people had to evacuate but it was very diffacult to find out the number of people and animals that were gone or critically injured.

One thing I would like to know from You ! is? How many hectares did you think the giant fire took out before you researched this? 

I really enjoyed Finding out everything about the fires but mostly about the number of hectares, it took out  And how it happened. 

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